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流媒体内容传输的优势究竟在哪里? 根据该领域的领军人物, defining what edge computing means for streaming varies by use cases that involve factors such as streamlining user experiences, 采取安全措施, 评估数据成本.

“Everybody uses edge in different ways and forms,” says Mark de Jong, Chairman, CDN联盟. “So I would like to have a little bit of understanding [of] everybody’s vision on what edge actually is for each other.他问执行董事杰森·蒂博, 流媒体视频技术联盟 (SVTA), to start off by discussing what he believes edge means for the SVTA.

“I think the definition of the edge is really dependent upon the use case,” Thibeault says. “在媒体, obviously you can do lots of things that are ‘on the edge of the network’ that improve latency…so there are workflow applications like encoding. 更进一步,更快地进行编码或转码. 还有观看者体验之类的东西,比如缓存. 让内容更深入,更接近用户. 同样,减少延迟,获得更好的观看体验. 所以,你知道,对我们来说,边缘是一个移动的目标.”

德容问姚明, 直接面向消费者的全球主要解决方案架构师, 媒体和娱乐解决方案, AWS他认为亚马逊网络服务(Amazon Web Services)定义了优势.

“Before we talk about edge, I want to talk about CDN in a very simplistic way,” Yao says. “A CDN to me is a service that accelerates internet content delivery. 这是一个非常基本的定义. And the purpose of CDN service is to securely deliver that content. The content can be static, such as data, video applications…or it could be dynamic, such as APIs. 现在你可能会说流媒体, 我们的大部分资产都是静态的, 但我认为我们也在向动态内容发展. 有很多互动在进行. There's a lot of streaming data carries and involved changing of API as well. And all of those that require very low latency and the highest transfer speed to eliminate and reduce the infamous ‘circle,缓冲. “

Yao goes on to set down what he sees as the three main points of edge servers. “Number one is to help customers to improve the overall experience by leveraging a global backbone infrastructure and all the edge nodes to the point of presence,他说. “边缘可以尽可能接近最终用户. 第二是改善安全态势, 不将原产地暴露给最终客户, it can alleviate [the] origin service from getting DDoS attacks and other exploits. 第三是减少传输数据的成本. So instead of going directly out to the internet in a traditional on-prem data center, 客户可以从他们的原产地卸下需求, 从而节省了过程中的扩容和转移成本.”

“谢谢你,凯文,”德容说. “And talking about security, John, can you dive into that from your point of view?他问Field首席信息安全官约翰·雅各布斯, Fortinet.

“这往往是我们的流行语,”雅各布斯说. “To us it really is that point of either user interaction or where that content becomes or where that distribution point becomes relative to the user or consumer. As Jason [Thibeault] mentioned, it could be variable based on where it is. 我们的重点是如何确保这一点? 他提到了几个不同的参考文献. 5G是一个很好的选择. 我们在那个节点上做些什么来保证安全呢? At the wireless radio point, or is it encrypted on the end user device?”

Jacobs notes that for the end user today, most of the focus is CDN-based. “我们正在把这些内容推向边缘,他说, and he emphasizes that providing a secure delivery mechanism to the end user is Fortinet’s ultimate goal. “最后一点是, 来转移凯文(姚明)说的话, 有越来越多的双向, 这带来了一种新的互动元素. So as users are doing short-form video or that type of interaction, 我们看到,不仅对可用性和速度的需求甚至在增加, 但[a]可靠性, 完整性, [a]检查这些终端用户和设备. So pretty complex, but I'll leave it at that because like you said, it's a long definition.”

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现在就订阅 最新一期 过去的问题


The edge in content delivery is by definition a moving target; CDN联盟 chair Mark de Jong suggests that the ultimate definition or destination of the edge might well be the end user themselves. Where do leading content companies see the edge today, and where do they expect it to be in 5 years? 德容提出了华纳兄弟的问题. Discovery的Subhrendu Sarkar和Starz的Rob Collins, who offer their best guesses as to where content delivery is going in this clip from 流媒体 Connect 2023.

System 73的Daniel Perea Strom谈到改进内容交付

流媒体's Tim Siglin sits down with System 73's Daniel Perea Strom to discuss improving content delivery in this exclusive interview from 流媒体 East 2023.

CDN77的Juraj Kacaba谈论低延迟流媒体和边缘

CDN77's Juraj Kacaba sits down with Tim Siglin to discuss low-latency streaming and the edge in this interview from 流媒体 East 2023.


我们已经看到了多cdn, we've seen multi-cloud--with all things content delivery moving to the edge, 那么多边呢?? 派拉蒙专家, 迪斯尼流, and the CDN联盟 discuss a potential multi-edge future in this clip from 流媒体 Connect 2023.


流媒体的优势在哪里? Experts from 迪斯尼流 and Amazon Web Services offer their take in this clip from 流媒体 Connect 2023.


As streaming at scale enjoys greater reach remote ISPs around the globe, 最后一英里的挑战不断增加. 体系结构, 监管, 其他问题也很多, as experts from CBS/Paramount and EdgeNext discuss in this clip from 流媒体 Connect 2023.


According to Jason Thibeault of the 流媒体视频技术联盟, advances in edge computing have changed the streaming ecosystem in ways that require cooperation between CDN competitors in order to best serve the needs of their end users


NVIDIA's Greg Jones and Intel's Nehal Mehta discuss managing the power requirements of edge delivery in this clip from Content Delivery Summit 2020.


在边缘交付中,我们离“一次编写,到处运行”还有多远? Limelight's Steve Miller-Jones and id3as' Dom Robinson discuss edge delivery and the challenges of integration in this clip from Content Delivery Summit 2020.
